We are EasyPrints


and, above all, we are here to make sure we are the best solution for the challenges your company may face. Having a rich experience in the field of digitization and filming as well as in the services of printing, inserting and direct mail, we make sure that each project is honored on time, according to your expectations and within our budget. we agreed by mutual agreement, so that you have not only the guarantee of quality but also the certainty that you have found that honest, open and transparent partner you were looking for.

We value empathy and focus on each special requirement, "tailoring" individual service packages. Because we understand that your desires and needs are personal. Because we know that no business is the same. Because we are interested in performance in the first place. With this in mind, we welcome you and welcome you here in our digital home.

Customer relationship management is an area that our entire team is extremely good at, which is why we take all the time we need to communicate effectively with you before actually starting a project. We carefully and responsibly outline your goals and then outline the strategy that best suits your business so that the end result is not only optimal but also economical. After that, of course, we set to work, taking care to deliver everything we promised. We don't know if that makes us unique. But we know that this is the solution we deserve. Not just once. Every time.

We started together almost a decade ago. We are a team full of energy, with a rich experience in developing and implementing projects in accordance with the client's development strategy.

We set goals

We set ourselves bold goals and keep our promises to deliver the desired results. If you have complex expectations or want to succeed in a quick project, we accept your challenge, contact us.

We deliver results

Our services help you to have 100% control of your data, completely in accordance with GDPR rules, both in digital and physical format (eg paper).

We create partnerships

The reason why we have been chosen repeatedly by clients from all fields is simple: we deliver on time and with the desired results in the agreed budget. This way you gain time, money and a reliable partner!

Services offered

We believe in both integrated solutions and unique, customizable services, understanding that the areas in which we operate are constantly changing and that it is important to help you adapt to any situation. To be able to scale your business. In order to continue to grow. For "performance" to be the word that best characterizes your business.
We offer you a complete set of professional services and technological tools for support and communication with customers, helping you to reach and even exceed each set goal.
Organizational digitization. Customer communication management. Consumer experience. No matter what you call it, this is what we deliver to the highest standards. Maybe because we take care to put soul in every project. Maybe because the rich experience helps us to guarantee that little extra that is often needed. Maybe because we do not distinguish between the size or size of the project, understanding that, in services, each client is equally important. That sets us apart. And delivery always on time, in tune with the most select expectations, of course.

Customer relationship management

Orice afacere de succes are nevoie de o strategie bine definită. Creionăm astfel împreună un plan concret, personalizat, menit să te ajute să te diferențieze de restul, generând interes în spațiul pe care îți dorești să îl ocupi din punct de vedere profesional. Avem grijă să punem clienții tăi pe primul loc și să propunem idei și concepte menite să ofere plus-valoare.
Realizam toate acestea prin prisma unui parteneriat strategic cu Quadient - leader de piata in ceea ce priveste serviciile de management al relatiei cu clientii

Transformare digitală

Digitization is more important today than ever, quickly becoming a necessity in order to stay on the market, regardless of the nature of your business. This gives you all the support you need to digitize and automate critical business processes and help you be more flexible. You will also have the opportunity to store documents electronically centrally. Fully secure, accessible from anywhere, through certified support platforms.

Printing & inserting services

Te ajutăm să ieși în evidență și în mediul offline, oferindu-ți servicii de tipărire de înaltă calitate, atât pentru tiraje mici și medii dar mai ales pentru volume mari de documente. Indiferent că discutam de generarea de scrisori de informare, facturi, extrase de cont sau notificări legale, avem capacitatea de a răspune oricărei nevoi. Rapid, economic și super eficient. Așa cum îți dorești.

Direct mail & fulfilment services

Gestionăm cu iscusință, pasiune și multă responsabilitate, procesele de business ce ne sunt lăsate în grijă, ajutând afacerile partenerilor noștri să crească sănătos. Ne ocupăm de procesele de inventariere și comandă, livrând de asemenea soluții complete de fulfilment adaptate nevoilor specifice ale fiecărui client!

Organizational digitization

În zilele noastre mediul de afaceri este foarte influențat de dezvoltarea noilor tehnologii care afectează de la procesele de producție până la modelul de afacere. Echipa noastră poate acționa ca un initiator pentru proiecte care presupun transformarea digitală a mai multor sfere ale organizației, precum leadership, strategie, operațiuni, cultură, guvernanță și printre altele.

Optimizarea proceselor bazate pe documente

Hârtia este costisitoare de procesat, stocat și gestionat pe tot parcursul ciclului său de viață. Pe măsură ce se creează mai multe documente în fiecare zi, trecerea spre un mediu de lucru digital a devenit o necesitate. Digitalizarea și prelucrarea datelor transformă hârtia în informație utilă și accesibilă în mod securizat. Serviciile de externalizare a proceselor de afaceri oferite de noi pot ajuta la îmbunătățirea eficienței back-office-ului fără investiții în infrastructură sau resurse suplimentare.

What do Our Clients Say?



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